DRD Spotlight - Landsborough
SKATE NAME: Landsborough | NUMBER: 792 | SKATING SINCE: 2012/2013 I think? Any advice for people thinking about getting involved with...

DRD Spotlight - Jill Antonic
SKATE NAME: Jill Antonic | NUMBER: 76 | SKATING SINCE: 2009 How did you hear about Roller Derby and the DRD? My boss brought me in a...

DRD Spotlight - G.Wrecks
SKATE NAME: G.Wrecks | NUMBER: 713 | SKATING SINCE: 2015 What position do you skate in? I'm generally a defensive blocker and constant...

DRD Spotlight - Shuggs Bunny
SKATE NAME: Shuggs Bunny | SKATING SINCE: January 2012 How did you hear about Roller Derby and the DRD? My wife had gone along to a...

DRD Spotlight - Jurassic Snark
SKATE NAME: Jurassic Snark |SKATING SINCE: Skating since 2014, and officiating since 2016. How did you hear about Roller Derby and the...

DRD Spotlight - Righteous Oxide
SKATE NAME: Righteous Oxide | NUMBER: None! | SKATING SINCE: 2010 What position do you ref in? I’ve refereed over 400 games and about a...

DRD Spotlight - Edna Ken
SKATE NAME: Edna Ken |NUMBER: 57 | SKATING SINCE: 2016 How did you hear about Roller Derby and the DRD? I very originally heard about...

DRD Spotlight - Ca-tash-trophe
SKATE NAME: Ca-tash-trophe |NUMBER: 20 | SKATING SINCE:2019 How does roller derby impact the rest of your life? Roller Derby to me, is a...

DRD Spotlight - Illuminasti
SKATE NAME: Illuminasti | NUMBER: 3 | SKATING SINCE: 2019 How did you hear about DRD? I went to an Auld Reekie exhibition game at the...

DRD Spotlight - Hubs
SKATE NAME: Hubs | NUMBER: 88 | SKATING SINCE: 2012 Three words that describe derby to you? Community, Fitness and Stress-Reducing What...