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Skater of the Month - Cherry Skatewells

NAME: Cherry Skatewells


How did you get involved in Roller Derby?

It was something that I had wanted to do for ages but I just had never plucked up the courage or time unfortunately to go out there and get involved, but one day I thought enough is enough just go for it and do something that you have always said you would do, I loved how exciting it sounded also!.

Tell us about your name and number?

My number is my year of birth, and for my Derby name I was trying to think of things that I liked or enjoyed that kinda had a bad ass kick to it and that sounded pretty tough. But in the end I decided on a play of Cherry Bakewells, not only because they are one of my favourite things ever as I have a super sweet tooth but I could incorporate it with Skating in general which has stolen my heart so it became ‘Cherry Skatewells’, it’s sorta cute which I like.

What is your skate gear of choice?

First of all I adore my Pink s1 helmet, I wouldn’t change that for the world and I've just invested in some fantastic new 187 elbow pads, I have super bony elbows so they need all the protection they can get! I have Smiths scabs Knee pads and I skate on the newbie R3’S but with insoles and a weird lace up as I suffer from Numb toes! As soon as I get a bit more skating time in I’ll upgrade to hopefully some custom skates involving some form of metallic pink or purple design

Before you discovered Roller Derby where you involved in any other sports/exercise?, if yes, how has derby impacted on this?

I used to run a lot when I was younger at school and I also did Tap dance for 10 years! I’m not actually super sporty but I can be a bit of a perfectionist and I like to think that my 10 years of Tap Dance can contribute and help me nail my toe stop work and any fancy footwork I want to try, but that’s probably me just being wishful haha!

What is your position of choice?

As yet I don’t really have one, I’m just testing the waters, I’d love to be a stronger, more confident, faster and technical skater in general. I struggle with a little anxiety on the track sometimes so jamming is a goal of mine I’m working my way to try and conquer (helped by my awesome team mates).

How would you describe your derby playing style?, do you have a signature move?

I have to admit I can be a little all over the place at times, as I'm hard of hearing and wear hearing aids when I skate. I struggle to hear the whistles and my team mates at times which can be a little frustrating for me but I could not be supported more on this with DRD! I tend to just try and skate like no one’s watching me sometimes to put less pressure on myself! ... easier said than done though. The other one is just doing something ridiculous with my feet like a strange, improv Roller disco sort of move and praying it will get me out of whatever situation I’m in!

What is your day job?, how has your involvement in Roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

I work as a Senior care Assistant/ Healthcare Assistant in a Nursing home, its long hours and challenging but very rewarding and something I am passionate about! I feel this way with Roller Derby too, it makes me feel like I can achieve anything, pushes me to be fierce, reduce negativity, love my body/self and just go for it!.

Who do you choose as next month’s skater of the month and why?

I have to go for Trackcident, this amazing skater has been a rock for me throughout my skating journey, always willing to share information, help, support and advice. Giving me confidence and inspiration while Wowing on the track with speed, fierceness and those goddamn hockey stops!

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