Skater of the Month - Righteous Oxide
NAME: Righteous Oxide
NUMBER: Not applicable!
How did you get involved with roller derby?
Friends in Aberdeen were interested in starting a league, back when Granite City Roller Derby used to be called the Aberdeen Aces, and I helped out with a few logistical things. It was quite a while after, when they hosted Scotland’s first derby tournament, that I decided I’d like to help out more than just DJ'ing at games etc, so started to learn how to skate! I was awful for months (probably years), as I’d never skated. Bambi on ice doesn’t do it
Tell us about your derby name and number?
My derby name is a play on nitrous oxide, which is used as both a laughing gas and in rocket engines. I wanted something that was suitable for a referee, played a nod to my pharmacology background and sounded fast/cool. The irony being at the
time I chose the name I was neither fast nor cool. I’ve never chosen a number, because when I started officiating referees didn’t tend to use them – Some do now, but I’ve not chosen a number yet.
What is your skate gear of choice?
I bought a pair of Reno quad hockey boots (Millenium P2) about 6 years ago and they have been the absolute best – They still look pretty new (because I polish them
regularly), are dead comfy, and I can wear them all day at tournaments and not get foot rot. I skate on Roll Line Variant plates, which I also love and couldn’t recommend enough.
Before you discovered roller derby, were you involved in any other sports/exercise? If yes, how has derby impacted on this?
I’ve never really enjoyed team sports, so I’ve not played any since I was at school. Derby definitely brought sport in to my life and even though I officiate it’s still important to train and exercise. If it wasn’t for derby, I doubt I’d have the motivation to go to the gym or keep as fit as I try to.
What is your position of choice?
As a skater, obviously a jammer because I scrimmed one jam and got lead over Power of Scotland’s best jammer at the time, and then I retired undefeated from the
world of competitive skating. As a referee, I love head reffing because it’s such a huge, wide and varied skillset you need to bring to every game as a head official. I love the challenge that brings, and the satisfaction of having helped facilitate an excellent game.
Which teams have you skated with?
Granite City Roller Girls taught me to skate and love the sport as much as I do, so they always have a massive soft spot in my heart. Dundee Roller Derby are definitely my home league in so many ways.
Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?
Pre-game I like to spend a few moments contemplating the detail of a bit of my kit – Like a sticker on my helmet, for example – Just to focus on something and stop overcrowding my thoughts. It’s a technique a referee suggested a bootcamp years ago, and it definitely works. Post-game, I’m often the last one out of the hall and I kind of like that as a ritual – I get closure from seeing it’s all done and dusted!
How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?
If I played, my special move would be the “boxed liability”, but as an official my signature move is sassy hand-signals and fancy “no pack” hands I bring out for sanctioned games.
What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life? I work as a lecturer at the University of St Andrews, and am the Director of Teaching for their Medical School. I’m not sure which has taught me more about the other – But they both provide context: Sometimes it’s easy to make difficult decisions in derby because I have context for
how much they really matter; other times derby is a massive insight in to how hard people train and focus to achieve a goal and I wonder how to enthuse that in students…
Favourite motivational quote?
“Food and drink will be provided.”
Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the month?
I’m going to nominate someone who’s really coming in to their own as an official, who’s getting some fantastic and well-deserved opportunities to travel abroad and show their off-skates officiating prowess and statistical know-how! Dropkick Bru’s!