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Skater of the Month - Jammstein

NAME: Jammstein


How did you get involved in roller derby?

I was back down in my home town and my best friend was going along to her second session trying out roller derby at her local club and asked if I wanted to come. I went, loved every minute of it, and looked straight away for my local club when I returned. Found that the new intake was in the next two weeks for DRG, signed myself up and have been hooked ever since.

Tell us about your derby name and number?

So my derby name is Jammstein. Took a long time for me to think of something but think I am happy with it! Rammstein are one of my favourite bands, they are a German industrial metal band, and I took the r away and replaced with a j to make jam, making it more derby related. 49 is one of my favourite numbers. I loved the 7 times table at school and 7 x 7 is 49 of course. It has stuck with me ever since so I picked it.

What is your skate gear of choice?

I have not ventured too far from my original gear, but tried to get a semi-decent set up from the start. I have all 187 killer pads for my knees, elbows and hands. My skates are Riedell dash but I recently put new wheels on - 4 x 88a and 4 x 91a Radar Prestos on a pusher set up which works for both our venues. And my helmet is a TSG with added enhancement of eevee evolutions stickers on it.

Before you discovered roller derby, were you involved with any other sports/exercise? If yes, how has derby impacted on this?

I have been a fencer since university and was fencing weekly before taking up roller derby. I continued to fence throughout most of my first beginner intake, but stopped near the end as work made it tricky to make the weekly fencing session. Plus I wanted to have a sport I could train in several times a week and feel like I was progressing. Fencing uses many of the muscles needed in roller derby, as power comes from your legs. I did not find it hard to adjust to roller derby due to this as did not get as bad muscle pain as I might have done at the start! I may go back to also fencing in the future as it is another great sport to keep my cardio up and strengthen my muscles.

What is your position of choice?

When I started roller derby, I really wanted to be a jammer. Since playing, I found I am a lot stronger at blocking and enjoy best being the brace or doing offence blocking to annoy the other team.

What teams have you skated with?

I have only played Home Teams so far and had the privilege to help co-captain (with lots of help and support from the more experienced in the team) the Jutes of Hazzard to victory last year. It was a truly amazing experience.

Do you have a pre/post - bout ritual?

Not really is the answer! I was very calm before home teams surprisingly and went in to enjoy it as much as possible. The whole team had the same frame of mind and think it definitely helped us relax more.

How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?

My derby playing style I would probably describe as transitional. I am currently still quite few to the sport and am finding my feet/skates so I am trying out new things and seeing what works for me. One move I have enjoyed in practice is pinning an opposition player but will take a lot more practice before I can use it effectively in games!

What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

I am currently a Monument Manager, looking after a castle and cathedral which is pretty cool and making sure visitors enjoy the attractions and they are both in good order. Derby has affected my life in many positive ways and I especially love the camaraderie and support everyone in the league gives. I have made friends with and got to know so many great people and the unwavering support is fantastic. Derby gives me something to look forward to several nights a week and allows me to unwind and forget about everything else, immersing myself in learning that tricky new move or improving upon old ones.

Favourite motivational quote?

"Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you." – Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones

Who do you choose as next month's Skater of the month?

It is hard to pick from all the wonderful skaters, but I have made my decision. This skater has always thrown herself full force into derby and I know that she will soon get that last min ticked off. Lover of dinosaurs, my drag bingo buddy and the best face licker from Holland; Loeder.

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