Skater of the Month - Kin Khey
NAME: Kin Khey
How did you get involved with roller derby?
I first got involved in Roller derby in 2009 when it was new to Dundee and a new unknown sport. I roller skated and played rugby when I was a kid and had always loved it my skates so jumped at the chance to be involved in such an unusual sport.
Tell us about your derby name and number?
Haha Kin Khey is not my original name as I originally planned on skating under the name Binx (and it didn't last long). it didn't feel right so after a lot of thought and a little help, I came up with Kin Khey and it stuck. I used to have 68+1 but I changed it to 350me because everyone liked a pun. Once it was figured out it gave a few laughs. Now I've dropped the letters and just use 350.
What is your skate gear of choice?
I currently use Reidell Diablo's with Roller bones Zebras and Poison wheels although I'm starting to look into upgrading my plates as my skates are quite heavy on my feet. I also want to upgrade my poison wheels as tbere are many wheels on the market now that would probably suit me better. For pads, I use 187 Pro knee pads and recently got the elbow pads which are a dream! Knees are so comfy to fall on and rarely slip off! I also use SFR wrist guards.
Before you discovered roller derby, were you involved in any other sports/exercise? If yes, how has derby impacted on this?
After giving up rugby and athletics at high school (we had no girls team locally, was no longer allowed to play with the boys and athletics was a bit boring for me) I didn't really have an interest in sports until I discovered derby.
What is your position of choice?
Blocker, without a doubt! I love being able to get in people's ways.
Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?
Although I'm yet to play my first game, I don't have one for skating. When i used to announce however, I never used to talk much the day before a bout and drank lemon and honey infusions for days afterwards as I was guaranteed to have lost my voice the day after.
What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?
Im a sales advisor at the weekends and a full-time mum to 1 very active child during the week. She makes it really hard for me to come to training sometimes as she wants to come too so Daddy usually has to step in to let me come for my "Me time". I've had to promise her I will take her when shes older so she can start when shes 18!
Favourite motivational quote?
It's actually from a song but my mantra these days is " If something goes a little wrong, you can go ahead and bring it on and if you knock me over, I will get back up again". Its really helped me the past few months when I was losing hope and helped me pull myself back up again.
Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the month?
I honestly wish I could pick everyone as I've never met a nicer bunch of people! The person I finally decided on puts so much hard work into the newbies programme within Dundee Roller Girls and it is really paying off with all of the wonderful new skaters we have. I choose Sins and Needles!