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Skater of the Month - Magsnificent

NAME: Magsnificent


How did you get involved with roller derby?

I came along to a Fresh Meat session with my sister-in-law, who had joined the previous intake. I had never skated before but, despite spending most of the evening clinging to the wall or flat out on the floor, I loved every moment and came back for more!

Tell us about your derby name and number?

I chose the name Magsnificent in order to incorporate my name for ease of communication on track. Also, it’s a bit tongue in cheek as the only thing magnificent about my skating is the way I fall!! As for the number… well with the name Magsnificent it had to be 7, but that was taken so 07 it was.

What is your skate gear of choice?

My wheels are Poison’s as they are sticky and I need as much stability as possible. I also wear 187 Pro Derby Killer Knee pads to protect my knees as best I can.

Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?

Before derby I tried lots of different sports, would buy the kit, and not go back. Derby is the first and only sport I have stuck with. It has also motivated me go to the gym more regularly as it gives me a training focus and goal.

What is your position of choice?

I tend to stick to being a blocker and will choose to play in position 3 as I lack the agility and edge work needed to play effectively in 2 and 4…. at present J

Which teams have you skated with?

I have skated with The Jutes of Hazard, one of DRG’s home teams. This was an amazing experience as skating in an actual bout was far beyond anything I had imagined I would ever be capable of doing.

Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?

My post-bout ritual is to catch up on all the sleep I missed pre-bout due to nerves!

How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?

Whilst I don’t have a signature move yet, I do spend the majority of my time in a corner of the hall trying to perfect transitions, so watch this space!

What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

I am a Primary Teacher. I have gained greater empathy for the children in my class who find learning new knowledge and skills a daily struggle.

Favourite motivational quote?

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

Michelle Fraser, for her positive determination and dedication to skating and to the DRG.


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