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Skater of the Month - Flo Glida

NAME: Flo Glida


How did you get involved with roller derby?

I am always looking for unusual and exciting ways to keep fit. My work colleague was a newbie with Perth’s Fair City Rollers and it sounded great fun. A few months later I saw the DRG girls do a bag pack in Asda. I picked up a flyer and went along to the newbie taster session a few weeks later.

Tell us about your derby name and number?

I chose the name Flo Glida because I’m a bit of a Rap chick. Love Flo Rida, Eminem, Jay Z and Kanye West. Flo Glida because some of the girls say my skating looks quite smooth and effortless at times. Number 10 because that’s my son’s football number and is lucky for him.

What is your skate gear of choice?

I have been really lucky and picked up second hand gear along the way. My skates were donated by a teammate and are red Riedell Diablos. Loved them ever since I put them on. They are so comfortable and also my favourite colour. My pads are a mix; I have gone for comfort, good fit, and protection just now as still new to the sport. I have learnt that protection is essential: a helmet is probably the second most important part of your kit after your skates, and I am currently trying out a new one, having just purchased a Harnutz helmet. It has loads of extra padding and also an adjustment at the back of my neck which makes it feel really secure.

Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?

I’ve always enjoyed sport, and played hockey at high school. I have enjoyed yoga most of my life and find although it is not high impact it is great for core and flexibility and balance, which is essential for roller derby. I also run and cycle, and have done 5k and 10k races. At the moment I go the gym 4 times a week, concentrating on HIIT sessions like Insanity, leg workouts including squats and lunges, and one session focusing on upper body core and arms. I don’t feel derby as impacted on my other sports, quite the opposite: I have changed my other exercise regimes to enhance my roller derby, concentrating on areas where I feel I am weaker. For example, when I was training for my 27 in 5 I concentrated a lot on HIIT with short bursts of high impact cardio then short rest intervals.

What is your position of choice?

I recently joined the advanced skaters, after passing my minimum skills in February, however have been out injured with cracked ribs for a number of weeks. When I return I hope to concentrate on my blocking; I feel I can be an asset to the team as I have a strong plough and work well in a wall.

Which teams have you skated with?

As a newbie I have skated with DRG (of course), with a mixed team in Livingston of other newbie’s, and a Cherry Popper game in Edinburgh again with a mixed team of skaters with 3 games or less.

Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?

Still too early to say but for the away bouts that I have attended in a group we have had great banter in the car and some pretty eclectic musical taste, thanks to Lucy and her IPod. I think as newbies we have all been nervous before a scrim and it’s been great to travel in a group for reassurance and encouragement. I also make sure I eat properly the day before and the morning of a scrim to ensure adequate energy levels.

How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?

Ha-ha, I’m really good at spectacular falls. I have also been told that my ploughing is good so I hope to continue to improve my walls and defensive play.

What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

I am a community midwife by day working in the Lochee area of Dundee. I have a large case load and work in a challenging demographic area. My job carries a lot of responsibility and massive job satisfaction. Roller derby has given me a great deal of confidence. It has empowered me to be brave in other aspects of my life, giving me the physical and mental strength to think positively about the future. I have been overwhelmed with the support and encouragement the derby family offer, especially so as a newbie learning new skills and also helping through my recovery from injury. There is nothing more rewarding than being part of a successful team.

Favourite motivational quote?

“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

- Nelson Mandela

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

My skater of the month is someone who I respect as a mother, skater, and mentor. Her skating technique is amazing - smooth and precise. She always looks calm, focused, and in control. She has inspired me, encouraged me, and supported me every step of my derby journey. Thank you Crown Jules, you have been awesome. I nominate Julia Wright aka Crown Jules No 67.


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