Skater of the Month - Flight Risk

NAME: Flight Risk
How did you get involved with roller derby?
I'd seen a little bit of roller derby online while I was still at university in Glasgow, unfortunately I didn't really have the time, or the money, to start up. However my sister found out that Dundee had a team and started going along to some of the bouts. When she found out there was gonna be a Fresh Meat after I graduated, I decided I would go along and see what it was all about. It was that night I order my kit!
Tell us about your derby name and number?
Since I'm still new to Derby I only just chose a name to skate with, it took me forever to choose one!! I couldn't quite find anything that fitted, but Flight Risk I like because it challenges my skating ability, and pushes me to skate harder and faster! I love Harry Potter as well and Vault 713 holds the philosopher’s stone!
What is your skate gear of choice?
Since I didn't know too much about derby when I bought my kit I ended up just buying a newbie starter pack. I skate on Riedell R3, Bullet knee pads, and Anarchy elbow pads. I'm looking to upgrade my wheels soon to something more suited to my skating technique!
Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?
I was always into sport while I was still in secondary school, I loved anything I could really get my hands on, especially netball. When I went to university I lost the commitment and drive to get into anything, but am finding my way back to sport now that I'm into derby. Having a weekly commitment to training has given me a bit of a push to do more exercise, and outside of that I am just hoping to get my fitness level up higher.
What is your position of choice?
At the moment I'm just trying to get as much experience as I can in every position. I feel strongest when blocking, but would definitely like to get better at jamming.
Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?
Well so far, even if it's just our learning scrims, I get incredibly nervous and generally forget how to skate. So just trying to get myself to relax, maybe listen to some Taylor Swift with my fellow Newbs. Really just have a bit of a laugh before hand to calm all the nerves down. I also always have to check what colour bib or shirt I have on just as I step onto track, because I forget which team I'm on more often than not…
How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?
Can flailing be a derby style? Cause if it is, I've nailed it! But no, I really like skating at the back of a diamond, using other skaters’ stability to swing myself to keep the jammer behind me. It feels like a really strong position, but I've noticed it’s rather harder to bring that play into actual jams…
What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life? At the moment I am finding it difficult to get people to pay me for doing what I love, which is surveying bats! I am slightly bat crazy and spend my summers volunteering with scientific expeditions in different parts of the world. There is so much to learn about bats both in Scotland and also in less studied areas, and they are incredibly important in the ecosystem. Although I couldn't think of a bat related derby name I have managed to get some pretty awesome toe guards! I meet a lot of different people through my work and I feel quite proud when I tell them I'm a roller girl, and then have to explain the game to them.
What would you say to anyone looking to get into derby?
I would encourage anyone to have a go at roller derby. At the beginning of our Fresh Meat I didn't really know anyone that was there and I was well nervous. It was definitely the support of not only the other newbies but the advanced skaters as well that has kept me going along. Everyone really supports you no matter what you are going through, on and off the track. Even if you are unsure about skating there are so many other opportunities to be involved, like NSOing, which is always a great way to learn the rules of the game. DRG are always looking for more people to get involved, be it officiating or skating!
Favourite motivational quote?
“I'll join you when Hell freezes over. Dumbledore's Army!”
- Neville Longbottom being a bad ass to Voldemort. (And yes this is totally motivational… if you love Neville as much as I do.)
Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?
This is quite a hard decision, as so many advanced skaters and refs have really helped me along and a lot of them have already been profiled as Skater of the Month, ‘cause they are that amazing! But I think at the moment, because I spend most of my skating time with my other newbs I would like to highlight someone who is never far from a smile. Someone who has grown in such confidence in her skating that everyone watching her has been impressed. She always brings a great attitude to practise and is gonna be one heck of a good jammer: Lana Del Rage #2019 (India Divers).