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Skater of the Month - Quadrillion

NAME: Quadrillion

How did you get involved with roller derby?

Totally by accident, I blame Carnage and Crown Jules! I had never heard of modern Roller Derby until they encouraged a group from work to come to a taster evening hosted by Dundee Roller Girls. I’d never skated, even as a youngster, but came along with the others just for the night. Everyone was so welcoming and I really enjoyed trying to skate, so came back for the next taster evenings and, well, just sort of never stopped.

When did you decide to ref?

I was not the fastest learner so by the time I had completed my mins training most of my group were either really into advanced training, unfortunately off with injury, or had left DRG!

I was a bit of a liability at advanced training so I eventually decided to practice my skills rather than join the training group. This meant I was often skating around with the refs and so got interested in what they were doing. I hadn’t really considered being an official before then but found out how much is involved in being a good ref. It was a challenge I could work towards, and it gave me a focus again. I’ve been so lucky that DRG has a fair number of great people interested in refereeing, and of course a fantastic mentor in Righteous Oxide.

Tell us about your derby name?

I went round and round with names but just couldn’t find one that really fitted ‘derby me’. Quadrillion is kind of geeky but combines science, derby and me, and was suitably enigmatic. A quadrillon is 1015 and the prefix for this is a peta- (like mega for a million). When not at derby I am Peta so when I had to send off for a shirt for the cherry popper bout I became Quadrillion and number 15.

What is your skate gear of choice?

My buddy when I was a newbie, Hart, let me try her set up and it felt so much better than the borrowed skates I was using at the time that I just copied her. It turned out to be a good move and has suited me well although I am thinking of trying new wheels now. I have Riedels 265s, a proline plate and a mixture of G-rods and sugar wheels, 187 knee pads and an SFR helmet.

Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?

My partner and I are keen on sailing, another time consuming pastime, so summer is a bit of a battle for weekends and evenings but derby always wins when the weather is bad.

What have been your best moments in Derby?

Difficult one! I guess the ones that are easy to identify are the cherry popper bout for our newbie group, the first time I was allowed to scrim (I was really hyped that night!), and my first bout in stripes. But there are so many other times like when you finally manage to do some skill well for the first time and of course lots of moments shared with members of DRG, both on skates and off, when you know you are part of a fantastic group of people, all very different, but working together.

How would you describe your skating style, do you have a signature move?

Crouched! I think I look like a comma most of the time!

How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

Well I definitely keep a lot fitter and have a good reason to go to the gym. I have to admit it’s a bit of a battle sometimes to find the time and motivation to work on this essential aspect so I take a lot more regular classes than I did before.

Favourite motivational quote?

“Do or do not, there is no try!”

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

I would like to nominate someone who is quietly determined, works really hard on her skating skills and is an inspiration - the magnificent Number 7, Magsnificent.


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