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Skater of the Month - Tyra Fangs

NAME: Tyra Fangs


How did you get involved with roller derby?

I initially became involved in 2011 after seeing a poster in work inviting ‘Fresh Meat’ along for a try out. Intrigued, I turned up alone and struggled to even stand up on skates. After much perseverance I eventually completed my minimum skills, met some amazing friends and played in a cherry popper.

I took a break for a year and returned in 2013. Since coming back I have totally fallen in love with derby all over again. I have developed some close and trusting relationships, and I genuinely only see positive qualities in my teamies.

Roller derby has gathered so much pace and recognition since I first joined in 2011 and the focus is now very much on athleticism and regulated fair play. Inspiration, strength and drive seem to be dominant characteristics in most individuals and teams, and this is especially indicative of DRG, and I love this!

Tell us about your derby name and number?

My youngest daughter Meg was obsessed with the Moshi Monsters at the time I was considering skate names. Tyra Fangs is one of the characters!! I've also skated under the name Mohammad Ashlee. My number is 1, the date of my birth.

What is your skate gear of choice?

I currently skate in Antik AR1s with Atom dukes wheels, Smith Scabs arm and knee pads. The less said about my helmet the better!!

Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?

When I was younger I was always involved in various aspects of competitive sport and was keen to pursue a sports related career, however this was not to be.

I'm a great believer in the positive benefits exercise has on mental health and overall well being, so for me it's vital I'm involved in some kind of ongoing sport/exercise and roller derby fits this need perfectly.

What is your position of choice?

My position of choice is blocker. I feel most confident playing on the inside line, however I'm actively trying other positions on track.

Which teams other than The Silvery Tayzers have you skated with?

This has been a fantastic year for Dundee Roller Girls with the development of our 3 Home Teams and the emergence of our ‘B’ team (currently known as The Rising Stars). I play for our Home Team the Press Gangsters, and I also have another game playing for The Rising Stars coming up.

Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?

Pre-bout ritual: I don't have a pre-bout ritual as such but my daughter bought me a "mum" necklace from the Cherry Trinkets stall at her very first bout. I always have this necklace with me on bout days.

Usually I am the most disorganised person ever and I drive my other half, my work colleagues, and some team mates mad with my sometimes "unconventional" ways however the night before a bout I like to have my skates, equipment and uniform all cleaned, pristine and hanging up ready for me in the morning. On the morning of the actual bout I'll have my porridge and parsley, and I'm ready to go! I'm pretty quiet before a game, thinking about my strengths and how I can best utilise these on track. I always try to use any nervousness in a positive way to drive my passion and power on track.

How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?

I like to try and play aggressively on track but have some work to do on honing skills/hits in this way. I think I have quite a good indication of my strengths and weaknesses on track. More advanced members of the team are excellent at providing constructive criticism and this drives positive improvements all round.

What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

I'm employed as a social worker for Dundee City council and have worked there since 2005. It sounds clichéd and it has taken me some time to really build relationships within the team, but I genuinely respect and feel loyal towards all the team, not only skaters but refs, NSOs and all volunteers. I love how there is very little, or actually no tolerance for any prejudicial attitudes towards others. This fits well with my own values.

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

This decision has been very difficult as there are so many people deserving of this recognition. However one person always came to the forefront of my mind. This person is one of life's tryers. She has shown so much determination, always has a positive attitude, and has so many positive attributes/skills that she brings to DRG. Next month’s skater of the month is… Nichola Fraser, known on track as Honour ArseNic!


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