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Skater of the Month - Hits 'n' Pieces

NAME: Hits ‘N’ Pieces

NUMBER: 1876

How did you get involved with roller derby?

Two years ago I moved to Dundee from Falkirk for work so, being new to Dundee and only knowing work colleagues, I was looking for ways to meet new people. I typed ‘Dundee’ into Twitter and up popped ‘Dundee Roller Girls’. In my youth I had been a keen skater and took roller-skating classes, so thought this was an ideal way to meet new people.

Tell us about your derby name and number?

I took my derby name from my all time favourite dance tune, ‘Bits ‘n’ Pieces’ by Artemesia. The tune means a lot to me, my Mum, my Sister, and best friend Bev as it brings back lots of good memories, including a bridesmaids’ dance at my sister’s wedding.

My number is the year the football team I support, Partick Thistle FC, was established - NOT because Falkirk FC was established in this year, as my Falkirk-supporting family keeps reminding me.

What is your skate gear of choice?

I skate in Riedell R3s, 187 Killer Knee Pads, Pro-tech elbow pads, SFR wrist guards, and S1 Lifer Helmet. I’m saving up to buy new wheels but in the meantime have been skating on Radar Bullets.

Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?

I started going to the gym when I first moved to Dundee as a way to get out of the house, but was a bit sporadic in attendance. Once I found out about Dundee Roller Girls and I had a bit of time to wait until their next intake, so tried to make sure I went to the gym regularly to build up my fitness.

What is your position of choice?

I finished my minimum skills at the beginning of this year and had only just started scrimming when I broke my ankle (not derby related) so haven’t properly bouted yet, although throughout my training I really enjoyed being a blocker. While I’ve been off skates I have enjoyed acting as Bench Manager, and have spent a lot of time NSOing at bouts, where I tend to do score tracking.

Which teams have you skated with?

Since I’ve been off-skates because of my injury, I’m lucky to have a supportive team and still be involved with Dundee Roller Girls. I’ve been learning to do Bench Managing and Line-up Manager. I have Bench Managed for the Press Gangsters during Home Teams season, and for our new B-team, the Rising Stars. I’ve also had the great opportunity to do Line-up for our travel team, the Silvery Tayzers, including my first big away trip to Wales when we took on the Swansea City Slayers.

Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?

Before a bout, I get really nervous when I’m going to be Bench or Line-up Managing. I have to make sure that I have my derby notebook and folder, which have my derby sticker collection on them. When I’m Line-up Manager I make sure I have my first few line-ups arranged, and also speak to the Captain beforehand.

How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?

The one legged hop through the ‘High Fives’.

What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

I work for a national charitable organisation called Action on Hearing Loss, as a Project Coordinator. My project is called ‘Hear to Help’ where we run hearing aid maintenance drop-in clinics across Tayside. I love my job and have the best team of volunteers to work with, and they all know of my love for roller derby.

Roller derby has played a big part in my recovery from injury, as being involved with the league has kept me positive and motivated throughout my journey. The league allowed me the opportunity to learn Bench and Line-up Managing while I’ve been off-skates, and my friends have been amazing! They have shown me great support by visiting me when in hospital/at home, picking me up to go to training or bouts, or going out for lunch to get me out of the house (I’ve never been out for lunch so much in all my life). They have also been there to pick me up on the down days.

I’m going to take this opportunity to thank the league for their support, and to say that hopefully I will be back on skates after the New Year!

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

This was a difficult choice as there are so many skaters I admire within Dundee Roller Girls. This person started training at the same time as me and, like Nichola Fraser, began Fresh Meat not even being able to stand up for long on his skates. He has worked so hard, and I admire the determination he has shown in passing all his minimum skills. He is an awesome NSO and recently refereed his first ever bout!

My Skater of the Month is Quad Damage, otherwise known as Graham Flett (who just happens to be one half of Team Flett).


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