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Skater of the Month - Milky

Image courtesy: Vincent Micheletti

NAME: Milky


This month we are delighted to welcome back Milky aka Psychomilly, who was our Skater of the Month back in June 2011 – click here to see her previous profile.

Tell us about your derby name and number?

My derby name is just really a nickname that came about from my original name (Psychomilly) because predictive text always changed it to milky anyways. I’m 69 inches tall, which when I was 18, I thought was hilarious. Now it’s just a bit cringe.

What is your skate gear of choice?

Vanilla Diamond Walker boots - I love a low cut boot and these are super well made too.

Roll Line Mistral plates - I recommend these to everyone.

S1 helmet, Atom elbows, TSG Hired Hands wrists, Smith Scabs knees and Luigino booties for under my socks!

What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

I’m a nurse. Derby has helped with this so much - without the confidence boost the sport has given me and the support of the people I’ve met through derby, I don’t think I’d have made the choice to start my training. Overall, I’m a lot happier in myself, a lot fitter and generally more confident. At work I’m more assertive and work better in the team - I think this is partly from the skills I’ve gained coaching the league and working with so many different people in the sport. Derby has taken me all across the world - from Texas to Scandinavia and I feel really lucky to have had the opportunities I have because of the sport.

Image courtesy: Dave McAleavy

Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?

My pre-game ritual is usually to skate a few laps with my headphones in listening to some cheesy music while I look at each of my teamies and think about why I love skating with them and all of the skills they’re amazing at. It helps me think less about my performance as an individual and more about us together as a team. Post-game I like a wee can of cider in the shower!

How would you describe your derby playing style - do you have a signature move, a favourite position?

I feel like my style is similar to a giraffe getting attacked by lions. Not sure about a signature move, but I do enjoy a good old seal club, though I’ve been working on my forwards facing blocking more this year.

Image courtesy: Second Shooter

Tell us about your favourite/most memorable experience from your time with DRG.

I think I have two...firstly, the formation of our home teams - it was incredible to see the hard work of every member of the league pay off. Home Teams has given our skaters, officials and volunteers so many opportunities and is so positive and uplifting to see.

Probably my ultimate favourite memory is our first away game to Manchester though. From having our pre-game chat in a hot tub, the (now infamous) star pass to Jules, and Bex losing a shoe forever at a service station, it was a brilliant weekend that’ll always stick with me.

What do you think has changed the most – within DRG, and roller derby in general – since your previous Skater of the Month profile?

Well no-one starts the jam on their knees for a start! I enjoy roller derby so much more now - it’s more athletic and controlled, with a focus on sportswomanship and teamwork rather than who can hit the hardest.

Within DRG, we’ve gone from a struggling team, to an established league. We’ve had a lot of changes, a lot of successes and some rough periods, but now have two fantastic travel teams and our three home teams, as well as incredible officials who represent us all over the world. I’m so proud of everything we’ve achieved together.

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

I choose Hullabalou! She’s one of our newer skaters who’s recently started playing with the Bonnie Colliders. Lou works incredibly hard on and off track and has learned so much about the sport in such a short space of time. She’s so supportive of everyone around her - always giving encouragement and posi words to her team mates.

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