Skater of the Month - Ringo Scarr
NAME: Ringo Scarr
Tell us about your derby name and number?
My derby name is Ringo Scarr because who doesn’t want to be a rock star? Plus, he’s the happiest, shortest, and one of the least dead Beatles. WHAT’S MY NAME? RINGO! (I also couldn’t think of derivative insults for the name—this is not a challenge for you to try.) As for the number, the reasons are all boring. 24 is short (easy! refs don’t hate me!) and both 2 and 4 are friendly happy numbers (don’t question that).
How did you get involved with roller derby?
I needed a hobby that didn’t involve sitting down. All of my reading-theatre-artsy-fartsy stuff was a little too low on movement, and roller derby seemed to combine all the things you could ask for in a hobby—fake names, weird outfits, aggression, teamwork, and athleticism. So, I joined my local rec league, injured both my knees at my first practice and watched a man break his arm and leg simultaneously, and somehow spent the rest of my limping week still excited for the next practice. Three years later, I’m so glad I made my choice to join. The experience has been irreplaceable.
What is your skate gear of choice?
Helmet: Anything multi-impact.Mouth guard: That really thin one you can speak through but whose name escapes me…you know what I mean, right?Pads: 187 Killer Pads. Protect your knees. Seriously. Just do it.Skates: Bonts because they’re really responsive and really light. Arius plates for the same reasons, and Jukes for speed.
Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?
My mom is a fitness instructor, so I did a lot of zumba/weightlifting/cycle/any class she was teaching, but had a history of being bad at sports, especially team sports. My soccer career (fine, football, stop complaining) ended age six when I spent the whole season standing in the goal with the shirt over my head, and my foray into cross-country mainly proved that I am not, in fact, Legolas. Derby has been great for helping me overcome my organized sport insecurities, and has given me more confidence in athletic matters (that don’t involve hand-eye coordination). I understand strategy, training, and my body better in many contexts now.
What is your position of choice?
I’m happy to skate any position, but I do generally prefer jammer. As a jammer, you pretty much have one job. KEEP MOVING. Blockers have to do so much thinking and strategizing, so I’ll just take my tiny brain and keep flinging myself at walls.
Which teams have you skated with?
I skated with several teams in Utah, including the Red Rockettes (rec league), and Wasatch Roller Derby (competitive league), where I was on both the Hot Wheelers (home team) and the Bonneville Bone Crushers (B travel team). Now that I’m in Scotland, I play for the Dundee Roller Girls on the Tayzers!!
Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?
Pre-bout: Try to eat healthy the week of. Fail. Eat a bunch of biscuits. Try to remember to hydrate. Fail. Chug a bunch of water the day of and spend the rest of my pre-bout time trying not to think of how badly I have to pee. Eventually try to do some visualization to help find that happy place between aggression and stoic game face.
Post-bout: Eat all the things. Decide I’m too tired to shower and sleep like a sweaty sore mess.
What can I say? I’m a dedicated and classy athlete.
How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?
I’ve been told I skate like a prancing pony because I’m usually on my toe stops. So, look out folks, My Little Pony is here to strike fear in your hearts. Or something.
What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?
I’m a student specializing in medieval history. As for how derby has affected my life, I did hip check a girl out of the way trying to catch the bouquet at a wedding recently, so I’d it has done all sorts of good things.
Favourite motivational quote
Unfortunately, the voice in my head while playing is just Tyra Banks telling me to be FIERCE. Get fierce, ladies.
(Plus, Tash used the quote I was going to put here.)
Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?
I nominate Milky because she’s one of the rock solid centres of this league. Her kindness, skill, and leadership have been a great example to me, and we’re lucky to have her around.