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Skater of the Month - Catashtrophe

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NAME: Catashtrophe


How did you get involved with roller derby?

So I saw Whip It and thought roller derby looked awesome, so I looked up my local team in Sheffield. I then spent 2 years watching their games and finding out what actually roller derby was like before getting up the courage to have a go myself. I’m so glad I did because it’s been one of the best things I’ve ever done.

Tell us about your derby name and number?

I spent a long time trying to pick my name as I'm really very picky about these things. I wanted to be Marie Fury for a while but another skater was already using it and we hadn't completely thrown the idea of unique names to the wind yet. I eventually settled on Catashtrophe as it has my name in it so I wouldn't have to learn to respond to something new, and I am somewhat of a disaster zone so it's somewhat fitting.

My number I picked on a whim as I passed mins and then needed a number for my first scrim. But it is the first 3 digits of Planck's constant (6.63*10^-34)

What is your skate gear of choice?

I have an S1 helmet, 187 pads, my skates comprise of mag avenger plates, Bont boots and with Rollline forester 88A or Heartless creeper wheels 90A.

What is your position of choice?

Jamming, lots of adrenaline and much simpler than blocking, you just have to think about going forward and getting through the pack. Although I do want to work on upping my blocking game.

Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?

Hahahaha! Nope! Nothing at all since I was in school.

Which teams have you skated with?

Before I joined DRG, I skated with Sheffield Steel Roller Girls (SSRG), where I learnt to skate and passed my mins. I've also skated on various mixed teams in tournaments (Sci-fight, Marvel DC etc.)

Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?

Weeing a lot? Mostly I just turn up, try to remember food, get the first jam out of the way and I'm good. Post-bout, eating lots of food and having a couple of drinks.

How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?

Frantic direction changing. Lots of spinning. I'm a pretty scrappy jammer, and generally rely on agility rather than strength. It's always fun to come out of the apex backwards on one foot in the outside and mostly just being confused about how it happened!

What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?

I’m a PhD student studying physics, which is why I moved here – for funding. I think in terms of moving to a new city, roller derby has been fantastic for me. It’s meant I almost immediately knew people and made friends a little faster. The roller derby community is fantastic, and I felt very supported in moving to a new place where I knew no one. The other side of how roller derby affects your life is that it does limit your social plans a little. You can’t make plans for Wednesdays, Fridays or many weekends, because of games or practice. This is a choice I’ve made and would do again, but it does limit having a social life outside derby a bit.

Favourite motivational quote

If you're not falling you're not trying

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

Ringo Scarr, she joined the league shortly after me, so I feel we were in sort of the same boat in joining a new league. She’s really fun to skate with and brings a fantastic attitude to training. Also she’s a shit-hot jammer. Currently she’s back home in the US for the summer, but I’m glad she came to DRG and I think we all miss her lots! So I would like to see her answers for Skater of the Month!

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