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Skater of the Month - Crazily InSanne

Image courtesy: Ian McCreadie

NAME: Crazily InSanne


Tell us about your derby name and number?

Everyone that knows me knows that my derby name describes me pretty well… I am crazy and by adding an extra ‘N’ in Insane my real name is in it… which is Sanne… and I am a bit insane in my own special way. My number 22 comes from that it takes two in life and the more the better, which is the second two. Also, not realizing but kindly pointed out by our amazing referee Righteous Oxide that calling a penalty will sound as ‘pink tutu’.

What is your skate gear of choice?

I love my Antik AR1 skates with Roll line and/or heartless wheels. I have 187 killer pads. I have had more than one helmet, and I prefer the S1 helmets.

Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?

I was involved with Judo from the age of 8, but due to a serious knee injury I had to stop when I was 17. When I moved to Scotland I was looking to get back into sport and joined the university canoe club, where I did wild water kayaking, canoe polo and some canoe slalom. I enjoyed the team sport part of canoe polo, but it wasn’t competitive enough for me. I knew about the team sport roller derby and liked the idea of a team sport with lots of contact and fast speed on skates. I went to the new intake, knowing that my old knee injury could be problematic… However from the very start I am totally in Love and hooked on the sport Roller Derby and my knee is fine with it all!

I always thought I would never again be able to play Judo, but Roller Derby went so well that less than a year later I decided to get back to Judo. I managed to get my black belt and coaching certificate, and loved the martial art approach of Judo. Now that I have moved back to the Netherlands I hope soon to pick up Judo once again.

My background in sport not only helps with my general fitness, but my Judo background in particular helps me have amazing balance, which I adopt in Roller Derby to use my opponent’s balance against them.

What is your position of choice?

Doing it all! Jamming, blocking, offence and defense... I love doing it all!!! If I am only blocking I will miss jamming and vice versa.

Which teams have you skated with?

I started with my much missed Dundee Roller Girls, for whom I skated in the travel team Silver Tayzers and home team Jammin’ Dodgers. I also skate for Team Netherlands. Since moving back to the Netherlands I now skate with my new team, Eastside RocknRollers, and had the pleasure of skating with them for the first time in the Dutch Championships.

Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?

Eat pasta the day before, and bake. On the day keep it calm and not getting over excited! After the bout it’s pub time ;)

How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?

My derby style is one with good balance and force. I do not have a signature move, but I do have a signature jamming face when I am chasing the other jammer… it freaks people out!

Favourite motivational quote?

“Do not look on how strong that opponent wall is... look where the holes are.”

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

I find this one hard to answer. There are so many great skaters, amazing referees, lovely NSOs and hard working volunteers in DRG who really drive the league, and I miss them all lots. Nevertheless, my skater of the month is the amazing Catashtrophe. She came to Dundee from Sheffield Steel Roller Girls and has been involved right from the start, doing a lot of work within the league especially in the New Skater programme and on the Training committee. She is an amazingly talented wee jammer with lots of bubbly energy, and I loved being around her!

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