Skater of the Month - Jess
NAME: Jess
How did you get involved with roller derby?
I knew a few people who already played and they told me I would love it, so I tried for ages to get someone to go with me to Fresh Meat. Finally I took the plunge and decided to just go on my own and I’m so glad I did!
Tell us about your derby name and number?
Well my name is obviously my real name, and 4 is my dad’s favourite number (and he’s pretty mathsy so it must be good)
What is your skate gear of choice?
I currently skate on Lugino Q4 boots with an invader plate. My favourite bit of kit though has to be my TSG knee gaskets and Scabs knee pads; I would advise anyone looking to start playing to invest in some decent knee pads, your joints will thank you for it.
Before you discovered roller derby were you involved in any other sports/exercise, and if yes how has derby impacted on this?
I worked at a riding stables for the best part of 10 years before moving up to Dundee for uni, but derby has 100% replaced riding for me. I also dabbled in playing hockey for my high school team but I question now if I ever actually enjoyed it.
What is your position of choice?
I’m pretty happy everywhere on track. Originally I was more interested in jamming but my blocking has improved a lot this year and at the moment I’d probably associate more with being a blocker who sometimes jams.
Which teams other than The Silvery Tayzers have you skated with?
I used to skate with a team called North Cheshire Victory Rollers down in England and I have to credit them with getting me through my first couple of shaky legged bouts. They are a tiny team but loads of fun and I still go and visit them when I’m back in the shire.
Do you have a pre/post-bout ritual?
How would you describe your derby playing style, do you have a signature move?
Haha no signature move as yet although the term ‘majestic pony’ was thrown around in my last skater feedback so I’m definitely going to encourage that! Usually you’ll find me prancing about on the outside of the track somewhere because I’m awful at staying put on the inside line.
What is your day job? How has your involvement in roller derby affected the way you live the rest of your life?
I’m an Architecture student and playing derby has definitely been the getaway that I need from that. Also has been awesome motivation for getting fitter too!
Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?
I’d like to nominate a skater who has recently returned to skating from injury and you wouldn’t guess she’d ever been away (she also happens to be a fellow member of the bestest Home Team ever and will valiantly be managing our line up in May), Low Blow Baggins.