Skater of the Month - Miss Puggy
NAME: Miss Puggy
How did you pick your derby name/number?
Originally my skate name was Sookie Smackhoose, but due to my mum’s complaints about it sounding like a drug den I decided to change for Miss Puggy, a hybrid of my true love in life pugs and Miss Piggy, the sassiest pig to ever live. My numbers a particularly obscure Doctor Who reference, where a second human version of David Tennant’s doctor is created and was there for 10 mark 2, who I will ultimately marry.
What do you think is the most important thing for a new skater to learn?
I think one of the most important things to remember is how incomparable skaters are. It is completely pointless to spend your time at derby thinking “she’s better than me at x” when in reality you’ll be a hundred times better at Y, everybody provides something to a team and nobody can be faultless at everything. As an individual, remembering that falling does not mean failure is also beyond important. During my first scrims (and most scrims to date) I spent a lot of time on the floor but every time you get up you’re a wee bit better than when you fell down (as I was once told).
Where would you like to see yourself Derby-wise in the future?
I’m always trying to work on my confidence both in terms of my own ability and on track as part of the pack, with the intention of improving my on-track communication and ultimately pivoting a bit more often. In order to do this I am attempting to work on jamming – which I prefer to avoid like the plague, but which I realise isn’t doing me any favours overall. Also, by building on my fitness I’m hoping to continue to improve and keep on bouting. Hopefully in future I’ll feel more confident in all elements of my skating ability.
Who motivates you? My intake is a constant motivation to me. One of the best things about roller derby is you can look round one day and see the person you witnessed struggle to stand up on skates, bout or ref their first match, or do a skill they haven’t been able to. My derby wife is one of the most important sources of motivation for me, if I feel like quitting I know she won’t ever let me, when I achieve something she’s always there to support me and when I do something stupid she’s there to tell me it wasn’t my finest moment. She’s my coach, my support and I would be entirely lost without her!
Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?
In a decision I’m sure will shock the entire derby community, it is my magnificent wifey, Mandatory Mayhem!