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Skater of the Month - Wee Val Keneval

Image courtesy: Nikka Hall

NAME: Wee Val Keneval


How did you get into roller derby?

Same as most folk I think, seen ‘whip it’ and thought teckle!

It all couldn’t have came at a better time as I was recovering from a life saving operation, in which my body had started to eat itself and my muscles had wasted away. I was down to 5 stone and couldn’t walk, couldn’t support my own body weight so had to find something to build me back up both physically and emotionally. I knew I wasn’t the going to the gym type, so roller derby ticked both boxes of getting fit while enjoying myself and the sociability aspect.

I wasn’t sure if a sports team would accept a broken bodied, noncompetitive hippy soul, with 20 years of debauchery lol, but the girls and guys of DRG are truly mind blowing! Not only did they accept me, they are amazingly supportive, amazing people and now amazing teckle friends for life.

What has been your favourite derby experience so far?

I should write my first bout as a ref, however the one I will never forget and was the most emotional, was my graduation bout. I never thought I would play in a bout, (due to my rubbish body), let alone jam, and I knew from the start I wanted to be a ref, so to have that experience as a blocker and a jammer, totes blew my mind, was greeting my face aff at the end as I couldn’t believe I did it and survived it!

Image courtesy: Dave McAleavy

What do you do when you're not skating?

I am a country dwelling hippy, musician, raver, tea-swilling smoker of copious amounts of fags. Oh, and I dance a lot.

What do you think is the most important thing for a new skater to learn?

Never give up! everyone learns at different speeds but we all get there in the end, so dont worry and even if you have health issues you can still do it.

Image courtesy: Magdalen Green

Who do you choose as next month’s Skater of the Month?

My totes teckle dance partner Audrey, and she has the best name – Emma Belter! I love her hard working and her ‘just get on with it’ attitude and I love her relationship with her husband Shuggs Bunny, to see a married couple in derbyland is a beautiful thing.

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